Thursday, August 15, 2013

Our Distorted Version of the Golden Rule

 "So in everything, do to others what you would have have them to do you, this sums up the Law and the Prophets."
  Matthew 7:12 NIV

I would venture to believe that most everyone has heard the Golden Rule, even if they have never cracked open a Bible or stepped foot into a church.  I believe I first learned of the Golden Rule in elementary school.

When I was in school and first introduced to the idea, it was used to prevent us kids from hitting, bullying, stealing, lying, etc.  The idea being, if I didn't want someone to steal my brand new Lisa Frank pencils... (Don't judge me... they were really cool!)... I shouldn't steal their Little Mermaid erasers.   Sounds like a pretty good "rule" to live by, right?

So, what is my big issue with Christianity and the Golden Rule?

I firmly believe many of us have it all wrong.  We are not using the "Golden Rule," but something more along the lines of:

"Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you."

This may work as a rule for an 8 year old, but is that how Jesus REALLY wanted us to interpret what he said? 

I would argue that there is a HUGE difference in what the Bible actually says, and what we actually do. 

Jesus tells us to DO, our distorted version tells us NOT to do.

I am a big fan of my NIV, but I really like the way this scripture is worded in The Message.  It says,  

“Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them."

We don't need to go out making huge grand gestures everyday. What if we started out with just little things. Start by thinking about something you would really appreciate, then do it for someone else. I know I really like ice cream. It would make me feel pretty darn special if someone surprised me with an ice cream cone. Maybe a good place for me to start would be to offer some ice cream to someone I think could stand to feel special today.

In closing, I ask that we change our thinking on the Golden Rule. We need to do what Jesus really called us to do.

Dear Lord, I ask that You place people in my path that I might be able to bless today.  I ask that You open my eyes to those people, so I might be able to see them the way that You do. Finally, I ask that You give me the best words, thoughts, and actions, that will help me to reflect Your glory. Amen.

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