Sunday, May 20, 2012

Oh How He Loves Us...

I was walking through the dessert line today at the fellowship meal, following our outdoor church service, when a thought struck me.... 

How He loves us!  

To explain... I have been reading Nancy Ortberg's Looking for God: An Unexpected Journey Through Tattoos, Tofu, and Pronouns in preparation for the Moms' Bible study, which is starting up this week.

In the first chapter, Ortberg briefly talks about God and our food.  She says...
"Whenever I ate a good meal, preferably one that I did not have to cook, I was struck by the gratuitous nature of the God who made the colors, flavors, and textures of avocado, red pepper, and tilapia.  He only needed to make the food nutritious and caloric.  Everything we eat could simply taste like bread and milk, and functionally that would be good enough.  There is really no need for the variety and taste sensations that we experience when we eat, but God created them anyway."
 She goes on to say,
"Steve Evans, a noted Christian philosopher, says that perhaps the best proof for the existence of God is banana cream pie."
To Steve and everyone out there, I say...  the best proof of God's existence is Millie Groff's angel food cake!     

Lord, thank you for giving us food, not just for sustenance, but for our pleasure.  Thank you for all of the wonderful flavors and textures that you have added to our food, just for our enjoyment.  I pray that as we savor our delicious foods we are reminded of our Creator God, and his great love for us.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good!"
Psalms 34:8

May you never look at your food the same way again!


  1. Can a non-mom plant the first comment? Banana cream pie is fine, Millie's cakes are great, but Bellybuster cheese steaks are the finest, even for dessert. The fact that we have the ability to enjoy (or find joy) is indeed one more road sign pointing to our perfect, playful, extravagant God. Good stuff, Kari.

  2. Great Bible Study this a.m. Thanks for all your hard work!!
